On Friday, 30 November, 2018, a group of 20 students set out from Bamberg to travel to Ancient Egypt - or rather Munich, that is, the Staatliches Museum ?gyptische Kunst (Museum of Egyptian Art). The trip was part of Kerstin-Anja Münderlein's class Visions of Egypt in the British Imagination and its aim was to exemplify the museal presentation of Ancient Egypt in modern-day Germany.

Before we set out for Munich, we met in class to listen to Alexander Feitenhansl, Daniela Güsser and Anne Haberl?nder, who prepared a very visual and wel-rounded presentation on Ancient Egyptian artifacts and their presentation in British museums from the 19th century to the present. After their talk, it was already time to head to the train station. Three hours later, we arrived savely in Munich and took a nice, albeit slightly wet walk to the museum. In the museum, our terrific guide led us through the whole museum, pointed out the buildings purpose-built architecture and its intended similarities to Ancient Egyptian sacral buildings, and answered all of our questions. The museum itself is a wonderful 21st-century building with rooms stocked according to topics (e.g. art and form, or art and time). With the help of a handout prepared by the presenters, we then explored the collection on our own. Especially the interactive room (where you get to touch stone that looks like Bavarian Pressack!) and the multi-media station were extremely helpful in imagining Ancient Egypt, its art and gods. After more than three hours, we started leaving, but some of us will surely come back to read the rest of the inscriptions and play some more with the multi-media stations.

All pictures by Alexander Feitenhansl