Information on studying

Here you will find information about university and studying from a student perspective.

Questions about studying? Are you looking for a contact person?

Do you have questions about studying and need advice from other students in your subject? Would you like to study a subject and are looking for advice from a student perspective? Then either drop by in person or write us an e-Mail!

You can find the right contact person for your degree program here!

Freshman orientation days

Are you new to the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg in the coming semester?

Then you should definitely not miss the first semester induction days of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, organized by the SoWi student council.

You will find everything you need to know here.

Information about the university elections

With the University elections the student councils, the student parliament and the senate are elected.

Languages, study abroad, examination office

Language and media technology center

Internationals Office

Examination office