Roland Back

Lecturer for special tasks

1st and 2nd state examinations for teaching at secondary schools, AOR

Chair of Labour Studies
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
96052 Bamberg

Phone: 0951/1339358
Email: roland.back(at)

Consultation hours: By appointment

Roland Back

Curriculum Vitae

since 02/2010Lecturer for special tasks at the Chair of Labour Studies, Lecturer in sports didactics, University of Bamberg
08/2004 - 01/2020Interdisciplinary teacher in teacher training for didactics of work and sports didactics, University of of Bamberg
09/2002 - 07/2007Initiator and coordinator of the Bavarian pilot project MODUS21 (school in the 21st century) 
09/1999 - 01/2010Teacher at the secondary school Sche?litz with a teaching focus on work and physical education
10/1998 - 07/1999Training as trainer in professional development, 
Co-coach of the German junior national basketball team
05/1998 - 08/1998Lecturer and Research Assistant in didactics of labour studies, University of Bamberg,
Co-coach of the German junior national basketball team
09/1997 - 04/1998Visiting scholar at the Business School & visiting coach in the basketball programme, Stanford University, USA
05/1997 - 08/1997Lecturer and Research Assistant in didactics of labour studies, University of Bamberg,
Co-coach of the German junior national basketball team
09/1996 - 04/1997Visiting scholar at the Business School & visiting coach in the basketball programme, Stanford University, USA
09/1995 - 07/1996Visiting lecturer in the departments of Management and Languages at Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT),
Co-coach of the college basketball team, USA
09/1993 - 07/1995Trainee teacher for secondary schools
11/1987 - 07/1993Teacher training studies for secondary schools, minors in labour studies and sports didactics, University of Bamberg

Main Research Interests

Curriculum development for the course ?Business and the professions”, Individual pupil support in secondary schools through the subject ?Business and Career“, in cooperation with educational partners, Coach concepts in team sports, Sportive Management

Publications and lectures


Back, R. (2012): 24 auf einen Streich. Nowitzki ein Ph?nomen - auch von der Linie. Gedanken aus Sicht der Angewandten Sportwissenschaft. Teil 2. (mit Stefan Voll) in: DBB-Journal / Deutscher Basketball-Bund. - 25 (2012), S. 38-39

Back, R. (2011): 24 auf einen Streich. Nowitzki ein Ph?nomen - auch von der Linie. Gedanken aus Sicht der Angewandten Sportwissenschaft. Teil 1. (mit Stefan Voll), in: DBB-Journal / Deutscher Basketball-Bund. - 24 (2011), S. 28–29

Back, R. (2010): Arbeitsmarktpolitik und Arbeitsmarkt. Eine knappe Bilanz der letzten 10 Jahre (mit Olaf Struck, Dütsch Matthias, Verena Liebig) In: Vorg?nge : Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik. 49, 3 (2010), S. 18-26

Back, R. (2006): Auf die Pl?tze ... ! Sport als Element der Schulentwicklung: eine neue Herausforderung der Sportwissenschaften. In: Uni.vers: das Magazin der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg / UNIBA. - 6 (2006), 11 = Wissenstransfer an der Universit?t Bamberg, S. 46–49

Lectures and workshops

Brose Fahrzeugteile
Dressel + H?fner
Sparkasse Forchheim


Bayme vbm
Bayerischer Basketballverband


Oregon Institute of Technology, USA
Stanford University, USA
Universit?t Mannheim


sports management for companies