Prof. Dr. Thomas Graumann

Prof. Dr. Thomas Graumann is Professor of Ancient Christian History and Patristic Studies at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Divinity.

His areas of research are the History and Theology of Ancient Christianity, Late antique and medieval Church Councils and Synods, Authority and legitimacy in patristic theological discourses and the history of biblical exegesis.

From August 2016 to August 2017, he was on research leave at Bamberg, working on a much anticipated monograph on the Acts of the Ecumenical councils.

For further information refer to his webpage at the University of Cambridge.

Key publications

  • Christus interpres. Die Einheit von Auslegung und Verkündigung in der Lukaserkl?rung des Ambrosius von Mailand. (Patristische Texte und Studien, 41) Berlin/New York (de Gruyter) 1994
  • Die Kirche der V?ter. V?tertheologie und V?terbeweis in den Kirchen des Ostens bis zum Konzil von Ephesus (431). (Beitr?ge zur Historischen Theologie, 118) Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2002
  • Research articles, eg., on the First Council of Ephesus, fourth-century synods; Origen, Athanasius, Ambrose of Milan, Cyril of Alexandria, Theodoret of Cyrus, John Cassian, Pope Celestine and others. Cf. recently:
    • The Synod of Constantinople, AD 383. History and Historiography, in: Millenium Jahrbuch 7 (2010), 133-168.
    • "Reading" the First Council of Ephesus (431), in: The Council of Chalcedon in Context, ed. R. Price & M. Whitby, (TTH Contexts, 1), Liverpool (University Press), 2009, 27-44.