
Please contact Prof. Sieberer with questions regarding our courses and final theses. We are happy to assist you as good as we can. You can also contact our secretary (Mrs. Seuling). The contact details are available here

Office Hours:
The times of Prof. Sieberer’s office hour are announced on our website. Please sign up for a time slot in the list next to his office door.

Mail address:
Professur für empirische Politikwissenschaft
Feldkirchenstra?e 21 (FG1)
96045 Bamberg

Visitors‘ address:
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
Geb?udeteil FG1 (ehemaliger Musiktrakt, 1. Etage)
96052 Bamberg

Here you find a directions to the building Feldkirchenstra?e 21 and a map of the building(15.3 KB).

General questions with regard to your studies are answered by the student advisor of the department:

Dr. Johannes Schmidt
Phone: +49 (0) 951/863-2619
Feldkirchenstr. 21, Room F 332

Information on the FlexNow! system are available here. If you have problems with the system, please send an email to flexnow(at)