Diversity at the University of Bamberg
Diversity, Equal Opportunity, Anti-Discrimination
The University of Bamberg's mission statement includes an explicit commitment to embracing human diversity as a strength. The university advocates for universal equality of opportunity for people of different genders and sexual orientations, of different ages, physical and mental abilities, as well as from diverse cultural, geographical, and social backgrounds, and from all religions and ideologies. It supports sustainable family-friendly policies for employees and students, is committed to internationality and lifelong learning and dedicated to openness towards a variety of social groups, including displaced persons.
By establishing a new Vice-Presidency for Diversity and International Affairs in October 2020, the University of Bamberg has institutionalized its diversity policy at the highest level of governance, emphasizing the advancement of equal rights for all as a crucial, long-term goal. Prioritizing this issue presents new opportunities for an intensified, university-wide dialogue – on diversity as an intersectional topic in research, teaching, and administration, on the connections between excellent scholarship and social responsibility, and on the need to create adequate organizational structures.
Diversity activities at the University of Bamberg focus on contributing to research on the significance of human diversity, raising awareness of diversity as a unifying factor, providing support to all persons affected by unequal treatment, and taking joint responsibility for the creation of greater equality of opportunity. These activities encompass research and teaching, university life and strategic, policy-based decisions. They seek to contribute to a university that is open and welcoming to everyone, clearly opposes all forms of discrimination, and promotes diverse perspectives as a vital source of its academic rigor and institutional strength.
Responsibility for implementing comprehensive equality lies with the entire University Executive Board. Numerous partners support the Board in this endeavor:
- The Anti-Discrimination Office (for all university members, i.e. for students and all academic and non-academic employees)
- University of Bamberg Women’s Representatives and Women’s Office (gender issues pertaining to students and academic employees)
- The university’s Equal Opportunity Officers (gender issues pertaining to persons in the academic support sector)
- Women’s Representatives of the four faculties - GuK, Huwi, SoWi, and WIAI (gender issues pertaining to students and academic employees) [websites in German and English respectively]
- Women’s Advisory Council (for university-wide women’s issues)
- The Family-Friendly University project group (issues relating to the compatibility of family, career, and studies; for students and all academic as well as non-academic staff with children or relatives who require care)
- The Family Services Office (for students and all academic as well as non-academic staff with familial responsibilities with issues such as childcare, care for family members, and family-friendly infrastructure)
- Office for Students with Disabilities (for students with disabilities, chronic illness, or acute impairment with issues pertaining to their studies and available aid) [website in German]
- Officer for Students with Disabilities (representative for students with disabilities or chronic illness) [website in German]
- Disability Management Office (representatives for academic and non-academic staff with disabilities or chronic illness) [website in German]
- Central Student Advisory Services [website in German]
- Staff Council (for non-professorial academic and non-academic staff with issues like bullying, addiction, and consequences of illness) [website in German]
The following sites provide a concise overview of counseling and advisory services for university members:
- Conflict Counseling Services for University Staff (academic support staff and academic staff, doctoral candidates, postdocs/habilitation candidates, professors, scholarship holders, and external university members)
- Conflict Counseling Services for Students
Corporate Design "Diversity": Bildmitte Büro für Gestaltung, www.bildmitte.de