Call for abstracts
We encourage researchers to share their work (in progress) and methodological approach and welcome abstracts that reflect upon the fusion of modern empirical methods with well-founded theory. Among the topics that will be discussed are the following:
- links between theory and methodology; theory-informed empirical practice; empirical data informing theory
- mixed methods; combining and integrating qualitative and quantitative methods
- interdisciplinary methods
- “big data” in linguistics
- methodological challenges; pros and potentials vs. cons and caveats
We welcome abstracts for 30 (20 + 10) minute oral presentations and posters. Please note the following guidelines for your submission:
- abstracts should be sent in 2 versions: one with name and affiliation of the author(s) and an anonymous version
- please indicate whether your submission should be considered for an oral presentation or poster
- length: up to 500 words (excluding references)
- format: as an MS Word or Open Office document
Please send your abstract to: maltsymposium(at)
Submissions will be peer-reviewed anonymously.
Abstract deadline: extended to August 15th
Notification of acceptance: August 31st