Publikationen zum Forschungsgebiet Service-orientierte Architekturen


Bruhn J., Luckner, S., Müller, M., R?der, D., Squarr, C., Wewers M., Wirtz G., eFox - Filesharing with Web Services
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2005), Innsbruck, 15.-17.02., 2005.


Bruhn J., Wirtz G., Support for Interoperability of RPC-Based Web Services - A Case Study 
Proc. 22nd IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2004 Innsbruck (Austria) 17.-19.02.2004). pg. 548-553, 2004.


Pohlmann M., Sch?nefeld M., Evolutionaeres Vorgehensmodell in der Servicebus-Architektur der GAD
GI e.V., editor, GI Jahrestagung, pages 445 - 451, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2003.


Pohlmann M., Sch?nefeld M., An Evolutionary Integration Approach using Dynamic CORBA in a typical
Harry Sneed, editor, CSMR 2002 Conference on Software Maintenance, 2002.


Graf J., Giese H., Wirtz G., Contract-based Coordination of Distributed Object Systems
Proc. Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'99), Las Vegas, Nevada (H.~R. Arabnia, ed.), July 1999; pp. 25-31, 1999.