Die aktuelle Delegation 2016/2017

Wir sind die neue NMUN-Delegation und freuen uns auf das Projekt und die Vertretung des Haschemitischen K?nigreichs von Jordanien.

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zu den diesj?hrigen Delegierten der Universit?t Bamberg.



Die Delegierten

Maximilian Richter


 Studies (incl. semester): Political Science and European Economic Studies BA (3rd Semester)


 Organizational team: Chief Delegate


 Committee: HLPF


 Motivation: NMUN is a unique opportunity to gain insights in the life of UN diplomats, experience the field of International Relations proactively and build a broad network of people with similar interests. 

Life Motto: “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” - Steve Jobs

Judith B?ckle

Studies (incl. semester): Sociology BA (6th semester)


Organizational team: Final report

Committee: GA3

Motivation: For me, NMUN is a chance to learn more about the UN, international diplomacy and negotiating skills in order to contribute to peaceful and dignified living worldwide. I am excited to work with people from all over the world in the simulation in New York!

Life Motto: “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make!” Jane Goodall

Helen Chaudhuri

Studies (incl. semester): European Economic Studies, BA (7th Semester), Geography, BA (1st Semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring Team

Committee: WHO

Motivation: The opportunity to experience the world’s biggest association of nations in practice within a half year project and meet motivated students from different fields of studies.

Life Motto: “Do something wonderful – people may imitate it” Albert Schweitzer


Paulina Kahl

Date of birth: 04.06.1996

Studies (incl. semester): Psychology BA (3rd semester)

Organizational team: Final Report

Committee: GA3

Motivation: NMUN is a unique possibility to gain an insight into international politics and diplomacy, and to learn how to hold speeches and negotiate with people from all over the world.

Life Motto: In the end you only regret the things you didn’t do.



Joel Christoph Hesener

Name:  Joel Christoph Hesener

Studies (incl. semester): History BA (5th semester), Political Science BA(7th semester)

Organizational team: Press team

Committee: GA3

Motivation: To be part of a project consisting of people who are enthusiastic about what they do is a special feeling. The NMUN-project offers that 100%. It enables us to extend our horizon and participate in something that is held up by pillars such as diplomacy, mature interaction and the exchange of knowledge and wisdom. I am sure that all of us are going to look back at these months we spend together and say to ourselves: This was one of the most mesmerizing experiences of my life. That is how I feel about NMUN.

Life Motto: nosce te ipsum

Tizian Prokosch

Studies (incl. semester): Information Systems (3rd Master-Semester)

Organizational team: Social Media Team

Committee: UNEA

Motivation: Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behavior. It gives the reasons for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can also be defined as one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa.


Life Motto: “Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life?s true delights." - Iroh, The dragon of the West

Jakob Burgard

Studies (incl. semester): Double M.A. International Politics and Governance (3rd Semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: UNHCR

Motivation: I believe this experience will open my eyes to new and exciting adventures that are hidden outside in the world; allowing me to discover what freedom truly feels like

Life Motto: The best way to predict the future is to create it

Sarah Farhatiar

Studies (incl. semester): Oriental Studies, European Ethnology and Sociology, BA (10th Semester)

Organizational team: Press Team

Committee: UNHCR

Motivation: NMUN is a great chance to widen my horizons, and to understand how diplomacy and the UN works. The experience to be a part of international relations and to find solutions in intercultural collaboration through NMUN, is the reason why I am excited to be part of Bamberg’s Delegation 2016/17.

Life Motto: NB/ “It is certain that an atom of goodness on the path of faith is never lost”-Rumi

Sophie F.

Studies (incl. semester): International Business Administration, BA (3rd Semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: HLPF

Motivation: Working with motivated students from all around the world on existing grievances by taking into account all involved parties, as well as learning more about international politics and diplomacy. 

Life Motto: “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” –Dalai Lama XIV

Paula Grzesiek

Studies (incl. semester): Political Science BA (3rd Semester)        

Organizational team: Press Team

Committee: UNEA

Motivation: I really want to learn something about the United Nations, how decisions are taken on the international level and which are the difficulties. There is no better way to learn something than just trying it out in practice. Also, I am looking forward to work together with motivated people who really want to achieve something. It is great to be part of such a team!

Life Motto: It doesn’t matter where you come from. It’s about where you’re going and with whom.

Tatiana Loch

Studies (incl. semester): Masters Sociology – Population, Migration, and Integration (3rd Semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: IAEA

Motivation: My motivation for joining NMUN lies in gaining knowledge and experience in a large scale international context as well as a better understanding of global governance and the United Nations, challenge, and the privilege of cultivating my professional, personal, and cultural suaveness with other driven individuals.

Life Motto: “Make it work” – Tim Gunn

Carmen Ostendorf

Studies (incl. semester): European Economic Studies BA, (3rd Semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: GA2

Motivation: To consider international issues from a different perspective and debate with people from all over the world.

Life Motto: "Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon." Charles M. Schulz


Dennis Pottmeier

Studies (incl. semester): Information Systems, BA (7th Semester)

Organizational team: Finance team

Committee: WHO

Motivation: Experiencing the complexity of finding solutions in major topics on an international level and get an insight into the politics of the United Nations.

Life Motto: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” (Ghandi)


Steffen Rieger

Name: Steffen Rieger

Studies (incl. semester): MA Political Science (1st semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: GA1

Motivation: NMUN is a unique chance to get practical insights into diplomacy and to deepen my knowledge of international relations. Additionally, I look forward to work with a great team and together with people from all around the world.

Life Motto: “It’s not how many times you get knocked down that counts, it’s how many times you get back up.”

Zoe Valentina Katharina Schmidt-Hofmann

Studies (incl. semester): English and American Studies BA, Business Administration & Romance Studies B.A., 7th semester

Organizational team: Press Team         

Committee: GA1


- confronting an ambitious challenge and to surpass myself

- learning how to hold diplomatic speeches and gaining intercultural competences

- broadening my horizon

- working in a team


Life Motto: You can’t know you’ll fail until you tried.

Alexandra van Aarle

Studies (incl. semester): Double MA in international politics and governance (2nd Semester)           

Organizational team: Social Media Team

Committee: IAEA

Motivation: Trying new experiences which go beyond my regular comfort zone.

Life Motto: It is never too late for a nap or a glass of wine.