Lernende Systeme/Machine Learning (WS 2011/2012)
General Information
- For a general course description please read the corresponding pages from the WIAI module guide.
- You find administrative information at UnivIS.
- Participants should sign up for the course in the virtual campus.
Recommended Reading / Links
Recommended textbook:
- Tom Mitchell: Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997.
Relevant links:
- Machine Learning Eintrag bei aaai.org
- Machine Learning Abschnitt bei AI on the Web
- UCI Machine Learning Repository
- Statlog
- Rapidminer
Lecture Notes
- Basic Concepts of Machine Learning [pdf]
- Foundations of Concept Learning [pdf]
- Decision Trees [pdf]
- Perceptrons and Multilayer-Perceptrons [pdf]
- Human Concept Learning [pdf]
- Inductive Logic Programming [pdf]
- Instance-based Learning [pdf]
- Genetic Algorithms / Genetic Programming [pdf]
- Bayesian Learning [pdf]
- Kernel Methods [pdf]
- Reinforcement Learning [pdf]
- Inductive Program Synthesis [pdf]
- Analytical Learning
- Computational Learning Theory
- Further Topics in and Applications of Machine Learning
Course Archive
[WS 04/05] [SS 05] [WS 05/06] [WS 06/07] [<link kogsys/teaching/archiv/ws0708/lernende_systeme/ - extern>WS 07/08</link>] [<link kogsys/teaching/archiv/ws0809/lernende_systeme/ - extern>WS 08/09</link>] [ WS 09/10] [ WS 10/11]