Prof. Dr. Rudy Hirschheim von der Louisiana State University (USA) kommt zu zwei Vortr?gen an die Uni Bamberg

Der bekannte IS-Wissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Rudy Hirschheim von der Louisiana State University (USA) kommt zu zwei Vortr?gen an die Uni Bamberg.

Der erste Vortrag findet Mittwoch, den 15.06.2011 von 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr (c.t.) im Raum F384 statt. Prof. Dr. Hirschheim über diesen Vortrag:

"In this talk I will focus on various metrics academics have been and are using to assess 'scholarly impact'. I will explore some of the more common approaches used to measure scholarly influence such as citation counts, number of publications in top journals, etc. and then offer the latest thinking on scholarly influence associated with the Hirsch set of indices. I will then discuss the metrics used to assess journal impact - at least in the US - and open up discussion as to how such impact is assessed in Germany."

Der zweite Vortrag findet Donnerstag, den 16.06.2011 von 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr (c.t.) im Raum F384 statt. Prof. Dr. Hirschheim über diesen Vortrag:

"In this talk I will focus on the use of Argument Mapping for discourse analysis, and relate to other approaches that are typically used for the analysis of textual data. To make the use of Argument Mapping more concrete, I will discuss its application in an MISQ submission entitled: 'Witty Invention or Dubious Fad? Using Argument Mapping to Examine the Contours of Management Fashion'."

Lassen Sie sich diese zwei hochinteressanten Vortr?ge eines international renommierten IS-Wissenschaftlers nicht entgehen. Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen, beide Veranstaltungen zu besuchen.

?ber Prof. Hirschheim:

Prof. Hirschheim is the Ourso Family Distinguished Professor of Information Systems in the Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department of the E. J. Ourso College of Business at Louisiana State University. Before that, he was the Tenneco/Chase International Professor of Information Systems in the Bauer College of Business and Director of the Information Systems Research Center at the University of Houston. He has previously been on the faculties of McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), the London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), and Templeton College, Oxford (University of Oxford).

Rudy is on the editorial boards of the journals: Journal of the Association for Information Systems; Information and Organization; Information Systems Journal; Journal of Strategic Information Systems; Journal of Management Information Systems; Journal of Information Technology; Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal; and Wirtschaftsinformatik / Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal. He has previously been on the boards of: European Journal of Information Systems and MIS Quarterly. Prof. Hirschheim was VP for Publications for the Association for Information Systems.

Prof. Hirschheim has published over 70 refereed journal articles and 30 refereed conference proceedings. His articles have appeared in: MIS Quarterly; Information Systems Research; Journal of Management Information Systems; Journal of the Association for Information Systems; Organization Science; Sloan Management Review; California Management Review; Communications of the ACM; ACM Computing Surveys; Information & Management; ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems; Journal of the Operational Research Society; Journal of Marketing; Decision Support Systems; Office: Technology & People; Journal of Applied Systems Analysis; The Computer Journal; Australian Computer Journal; Long Range Planning; Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies; Journal of General Management; OMEGA; Accounting, Management and Information Technologies; Information Systems; Journal of Strategic Information Systems; European Journal of Information Systems; Information Systems Journal; Database; Information Systems Frontiers; Communications of the Association for Information Systems; Wirtschaftinformatik; and Information Systems Management.

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