Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg
Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg
Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg
Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg
Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg
Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg
Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg
Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg
Stephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg

Excursion to DATEV in Nuremberg

Right in the middle of the excursion with around 20 students from Information Systems, Computer Science, Applied Computer Science, International Information Systems Management, and Computing in the Humanities at DATEV in Nuremberg: the IT service provider for the tax consulting and auditing industry gave a multifaceted insight into its fields of work, corporate convictions and working methods.

The students learned a lot about the data centre black box as well as the latest hacking developments and DATEV's cyber security methods. Chief Operating Officer and Chief Human Resources Officer Julia Bangerth also illustrated how the cooperative is positioned in terms of equal rights, work-life balance and sustainability. Highlights for many participants were the tour of the buildings with innovative workplace concepts and the discussion round with seven former Bamberg students!

Master's student of Applied Computer Science Alisa Münsterberg summarised the day very positively: "I thought it was great that we had the opportunity to get to know so many employees with very different backgrounds - including at the University of Bamberg. You often get the impression that straightforward CVs are better received by large companies, which can be off-putting, but that was nicely refuted here. I also found it interesting that they are focussing on alternative work concepts - I would personally like a fixed desk, but the hanging chairs and couch landscapes are very inviting."

The excursion was organised by the Women's Office at the WIAI faculty. The organisation offers company visits to exciting companies every two years to provide students with insights into computer science practice and concrete contacts with future employers.