Dr. Julie Dainville

Fields of Interest

  • Ancient rhetorical theory and exercises
  • Rhetorical education in Hellenistic and Roman periods
  • Rhetoric and divination

Julie studied Classical Philology and Linguistics at the University of Brussels. In her PhD thesis, she focused on the rhetorical dimension of oracles in Greek classical literature and confronted the literary practices with rhetorical theoretical sources.

Since then, she has held postdoctoral research fellowships in Lausanne, Oxford and Brussels and taught Greek mythology and literature at the Université libre de Bruxelles.

Her research interests include Greek classical literature, rhetorical theory and its teaching, and the rhetorical reflection on religious discourses.

Research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation since April 2023, her research project consists of a study of the papyri providing theoretical and educational material about rhetoric.


Education and Career

  • 2006-2009: Université libre de Bruxelles, BA in Classics
  • 2009-2011: Université libre de Bruxelles, MA in Classics
  • 2011-2013: Université libre de Bruxelles, BA in Linguistic
  • 2015-2019: PhD Candidate (Université libre de Bruxelles/F.R.S.-FNRS), PhD in Classics
  • 2018 : Visiting research student, Center for Oratory and Rhetoric (Royal Holloway, University of London)
  • 2019- : Ma?tre de conférences in Greek religion and literature (Université libre de Bruxelles)
  • 2020-2021 : Postdoctoral research fellow (Université de Lausanne)
  • 2021-2022 : Academic Visitor (University of Oxford)
  • 2022-2023 : Postdoctoral research fellow (Université libre de Bruxelles)

Awards and Scholarships

  • 2015: Graduate student paper prize from RhetCanada ‘Le genethliakon dans la poésie de Sulpicia : une transgression érotique’).
  • 2020: Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Scholars
  • 2021: International Society for the History of Rhetoric research fellowship (5000 USD)
  • 2021: Fondation Wiener Anspach Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • 2022: F.R.S.-FNRS Postdoctoral researcher fellowship
  • 2022: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowship


a) Articles and essays

- (with B. Sans), Le violeur de prêtresse, le père accuse? de folie et le fils déshérité : quelques réflexions autour de PSI II 148 + P. Lond. Lit. 140, Chronique d’?gypte 96, 2021, p. 273-288.

- Comment “mettre sous les yeux” la volonté des dieux ? L’ekphrasis dans le Sur la réponse des haruspices, Exercices de rhétorique 17, 2021 (https://journals.openedition.org/rhetorique/1203).

- Divination et connaissance dans l’?dipe-Roi, in L. NICOLAS, Le fragile et le flou. Apprivoiser la précarité : un art rhétorique, Classiques Garnier, Paris, 2018, 245-261.


b) Editorial activity

(with Lucie Donckier de Donceel) Les usages de l’ekphrasis. Exercices de Rhétorique, 17, 2022 (https://journals.openedition.org/rhetorique/1178).