Dr. Joanna Kulawiak-Cyrankowska

Fields of Interest

  • Roman Law
  • Roman Jurisprudence
  • Legal Interpretation, Argumentation, and Thinking 
  • (Roman) Law and Literature
  • Ancient Rhetoric
  • Roman Satire
  • Living Latin

Joanna holds a doctorate in Law and a master's degree in Classical Philology. She is an assistant professor at the University of Lodz, where she teaches courses in Roman law and Latin. Additionally, she is pursuing a Ph.D. in literary studies at the same institution.

While her heart belongs to Roman jurisprudence, she also enjoys uncovering legal references in literary sources, particularly in the works of her favorite authors like Martial and Seneca the Rhetorician. She is passionate about teaching and learning Latin in Latin.

Education and Career

?    2011–2015: Law, long-cycle studies, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz
?    2014–2017: Classical Philology and Mediterranean Studies, undergraduate studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz
?    2015: School of French Law, Postgraduate studies conducted in collaboration with the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz and the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Humanities at the University of Tours
?    March –June 2016: University of Szczecin, Academic Assistant, Department of Roman Law, Legal History, and Legal-Political Doctrines
?    2016–2018: Classical Philology, graduate studies , Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz
?    2016–2022: Doctoral Studies in Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz, Department of Roman Law
?    2019: Corso di Alta Formazione in Diritto Romano, Faculty of Law, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
?    2020-today: Doctoral School of Humanities, specialisation: Literary Studies, University of Lodz
?    October 2022 - September 2023: University of Lodz, Academic Assistant, Department of Roman Law, Faculty of Law and Administration
?    October 2023-today: University of Lodz, Assistant Professor, Department of Roman Law, Faculty of Law and Administration


Awards and Scholarships

?    2012–2021: Research scholarships for top students and doctoral candidates at the University of Lodz.
?    2015/2016 academic year: Finalist in the Professor Jan Kodr?bski competition for the best master's thesis at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz.
?    2017: Medal for prestigious academic achievements from the Rector of the University of Lodz, ID card No. 2527.
?    January 2018: Borsa di Studio – scholarship from the Centro di studi e ricerche sui Diritti Antichi (CEDANT) for a Roman law course, "Il codice Teodosiano: redazione, trasmissione, ricezione,”
?    2019: Santander scholarship for outstanding students and doctoral candidates at the University of Lodz
?    January – June 2019: Erasmus Plus scholarship at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome
?    July – August 2020: Scholarship from the Accademia Vivarium Novum for an advanced Latin course
?    2023: Distinction for doctoral contributions to the University of Lodz



a) Chapters in Books

  • Martial on Interweaving of Roman and Barbarian Worlds, [in:] ?Rome and the Barbarians. An Interplay between two Worlds”, Marek Ol?dzki, Andrzej Dubicki (eds.), ?ód? 2022, pp. 11–19 [link]

  • El humor de Marcial: violencia verbal, sexualidad y derecho, [in:] ?Libertad sexual y violencia sexual”, Inés Celia Iglesias Canle, María José Bravo Bosch (eds.), Valencia 2022, pp. 623-646, [link]

  • Roman women claiming for biandry? (Gell., NA 1.23), [in:] "Feminización y justicia", María José Bravo Bosch (ed.), Valencia 2020, pp. 209–221,[link]

  • Marcjalisa epigram o podatku saturnalskim i pismach mierniczych (Epigr. X, 10) [Martial on the Saturnalian Tax and Works of Land Surveyors (Epigr. X, 10)], [in:] "Cui bono? Ksi?ga jubileuszowa dedykowana prof. dr hab. Annie Pikulskiej-Radomskiej", ?ukasz Jan Korporowicz, Dagmara Skrzywanek-Jaworska (eds.), ?ód? 2020, pp. 275–291, [link]

  • T?umaczenie niezb?dne? Gar?? uwag na temat j?zyka ?acińskiego w ?wiecie polskiej romanistyki prawniczej [Is translation indispensable? Several remarks on the Latin language in the world of Roman law studies in Poland], [in:] "Translatoryka i Translacje. Przek?ad w XXI wieku: wyzwania, mo?liwo?ci, trendy", ?ukasz Jan Berezowski (ed.), ?ód? 2018, pp. 31–38,[link]


b) Articles

  • Cantus vivit lege Romana!, ?Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica” 102 (2023), pp. 69–77 (together with P. Kubiak), [link]

  • Quasi indignitas w rzymskim prawie klasycznym [“Quasi indignitas in Classical Roman Law”], ?Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne”, 118 (2021), pp. 25–44, [link]

  • Raptus Semproniae? An analysis of the Martial’s Epigram XII, 52, “Právněhistorické studie“ 49.1 (2019), pp. 11–24,[link]

  • The Death Penalty, the “Marriage Penalty” and Some Remarks on the Utility of Senecan Research in the Study of Roman Law, “Studia Iuridica” 80 (2019), pp. 197–214,[link]

  • Prawo powrotu a spo?eczna akceptacja [The Right of Postliminium and Social Acceptance], “Edukacja Prawnicza”, 4 (2018), pp. 51–55,[link]


c) Translations

  • Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Rozdzia? I (Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Chapter I), ?Studia Prawnicze KUL” 1/85 (2021) pp. 345–356 (together with B. Dziedzic, M. Lindner and G. Melka), [link];

  • Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Rozdzia? II (Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Chapter II), ?Studia Prawnicze KUL” 1/89 (2022) pp. 339–349 (together with B. Dziedzic, M. Lindner and G. Melka), [link];

  • Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Rozdzia? III (Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Chapter III), ?Studia Prawnicze KUL” 3/91 (2022), pp. 271–281 (together with B. Dziedzic, M. Lindner and G. Melka), [link];

  • Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Rozdzia? IV (Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Chapter IV), ?Studia Prawnicze KUL” 1/93 (2023), pp. 227–238 (together with B. Dziedzic, M. Lindner and G. Melka), [link];

  • Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Rozdzia? V (Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Chapter V),, ?Studia Prawnicze KUL” 2/94 (2023), pp. 261–271 (together with B. Dziedzic, M. Lindner i G. Melka), [link].

  • Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Rozdzia? VI (Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti – Chapter VI),, ?Studia Prawnicze KUL” 2/94 (2023), ?Studia Prawnicze KUL” 1/97 (2024), pp. 195–220 (together with B. Dziedzic and G. Melka), [link]


d) Varia

  • Review in English: Ulrike Babusiaux, Christian Baldus, Wolfgang Ernst, Franz-Stefan Meissel, Johannes Platschek und Thomas Rüfner (Hrsg.), Handbuch des R?mischen Privatrechts, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023, xcvi+3707 p. (2 B?nde + Register). ISBN 978-3-16-152359-5, ?Journal on European History of Law” 14.2 (2023), pp. 249–251 (together with Dagmara-Skrzywanek Jaworska)

  • Review in Polish: Ulrike Babusiaux, Christian Baldus, Wolfgang Ernst, Franz-Stefan Meissel, Johannes Platschek und Thomas Rüfner (Hrsg.), Handbuch des R?mischen Privatrechts, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023, xcvi+3707 p. (2 B?nde + Register). ISBN 978-3-16-152359-5. G?os tradycji w ?wiecie pe?nym innowacji, ?Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne” 129 (2023), pp. 65–75 (together with Dagmara Skrzywanek-Jaworska), [link]

  • Review: Maciej Jońca (red.), Personae–res–actiones. Rozmowy o prawie rzymskim i historii prawa, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2021, ss. 347, ISBN 978-83-8061-950-0, ?Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne” 122 (2022), pp. 81–86, [link]

  • Bibliography of works by prof. dr hab. Anna Pikulska-Radomska, [in:] "Cui bono? Ksi?ga jubileuszowa dedykowana Prof. Dr hab. Annie Pikulskiej-Radomskiej, ?ukasz Jan Korporowicz, Dagmara Skrzywanek-Jaworska (eds.), ?ód? 2020, pp. 11–15, [link]

  • Necrology: "Ireneusz Jakubowski (1952–2020)," Index. Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici. International Survey of Roman Law 48 (2020), pp. 569–570 (together with ?. J. Korporowicz), [link]

  • Review: Mater familias. Scritti romanistici per Maria Zab?ocka. A cura di Zuzanna Benincasa, Jakub Urbanik, con la collaborazione di Piotr Niczyporuk, Maria Nowak Varsavia 2016, XXXIII+1205 ss. (=Supplement XXIX to The Journal of Juristic Papyrology), ?Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne” 52 (2017) pp. 163–170,[link]