Since 1946, National Model United Nations (NMUN) has been the name of the largest simulation conference of the United Nations, which takes place every year in New York and in which around 1500 students from all over the world take part. The delegations from the individual universities each represent a UN member state. The participants take on the role of diplomats and try to represent the interests of their countries in the various committees when negotiating joint resolutions.

The University of Bamberg has been participating in NMUN since 2003. The delegates have represented countries from Asia such as Cambodia or Viet Nam, but also countries from the Middle East or Africa, e.g. Israel, Jordan, Mozambique and Senegal. The reason for this selection is to open up a new perspective on social problems when diplomatically representing the interests of a country's population and to raise awareness of politically challenging views that one would not hold oneself. Diplomats do not act out of self-interest, but on behalf of the citizens of their UN member state. Over the course of the semester, we try to get to know a country socially, culturally and politically in order to be able to act appropriately in the subsequent negotiations.

The project always takes place in the winter semester and consists of a weekly seminar and tutorial. During the semester, preparatory conferences are held in Bamberg, Erlangen and Erfurt. We also travel to Berlin together in January and visit various institutions to gain an insight into the world of diplomacy, government work and political organizations. This year, we visited the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, as well as think tanks such as the Center for Feminist Foreign Policy and former ambassador Martin Kobler. Before the big conference in New York, the delegation will meet in Washington D.C. and visit various institutions such as the World Bank, the State Department, the International Monetary Fund, the foreign studios of ARD and ZDF and the Center for Strategic & International Studies. We will then head to New York for the grand finale.

The seminar is intended to provide basic theoretical knowledge about the structure of the UN as an international organization, international law and global challenges such as climate change and its consequences for people and the environment. The practice-oriented tutorial focuses on the preparation of the simulation conferences. In the weekly sessions, we deal with the procedural rules of decision-making at UN level, our country to be represented, the various committees and researching and finding solutions to current international problems.

The project aims to promote cooperative and practice-oriented learning. NMUN makes it possible to apply theoretical knowledge about international relations and the United Nations system in a practical, hands-on environment. Through preparation and participation, students develop a sense of responsibility that global challenges do not seem as far away as sometimes assumed. They learn various leadership skills, negotiation skills, public speaking, compromise-oriented cooperation and in-depth background research.

Of course, the core content of the project is political. It's about international bodies, compromise and decision-making. The UN is a complex system that at first glance seems abstract and far removed from the reality of our own lives. However, the topics on which resolutions are to be drafted in the conference negotiations often concern challenges that are not only relevant to our current everyday lives, but also affect our and future generations. For example, the various committees at this year's New York conference dealt with topics such as environmental sustainability in the fashion industry, how human rights can be compatible with the operations of military and security companies, ways to strengthen mental health and psychological support for refugees or measures to promote gender equality for women and girls in rural regions.

The Bamberg NMUN project is by students for students. The delegates are supported by a large team of tutors who have already participated in NMUN. It is not our goal to win as many awards as possible at the conferences, but to build a team in which cohesion and personal development are at the center. In addition to the theoretical and practical university events, it is important to us that we create shared experiences that strengthen the sense of community and motivation.

Bachelor's and teacher training students from the second semester and Master's students from the first semester can apply. It is important to us that students from any subject area are willing and able to take part in the project. Comprehensive theoretical knowledge of politics is not a prerequisite for a successful application.

Yes, absolutely! BaMUN is all about personal development. The project is a good opportunity to gain initial experience in an international context. However, if you already have some experience, NMUN is a good opportunity to develop your practical and professional skills.

No, absolutely not! We are more interested in you as a person, what drives and defines you.

The application process consists of two rounds. In the first, you submit your written application to us. It should consist of your CV, a letter of motivation and a short essay on a current social challenge at UN level. We will provide you with the topic. If your written application is successful, we will invite you to an interview. We will then let you know promptly whether you will be part of the next delegation.

Find out more about the application process here.

Yes, you can! Seminar and tutorial together add up to 6 or 8 ECTS. You can earn 6 ECTS if you write the mid-term exam in the seminar. To earn 8 ECTS, you can also submit a term paper in English on a topic covered in the seminar at the end of the semester.

To cover the costs associated with the project, the total price for each participant is approximately €700. These are to be paid in advance. In addition, participants are responsible for their own travel to the USA. We are trying to organize sponsors and academic grants to keep the financial burden as low as possible. It is likely that participants will be reimbursed a portion of the amount paid upon completion of the project. This usually takes place in July or August.