Qualification goals

Main objective

The Master's program in Value Chain Management & Business Ecosystems (VCM&BE) leads to a degree at a research university that qualifies both for a career in managerial practice and in academia. It aims to impart the ability to deeply analyze economic problems with a focus on Value Chain Management and Business Ecosystems using scientific methods and to independently develop innovative solutions.
In-depth knowledge is provided to create qualified skills for professional practice and to enable independent research work. Depending on the focus of the Master's program, it lays the foundation for subsequent scientific qualifications, such as a doctorate. Additionally, the program aims to develop the ability to identify interdisciplinary problems and to develop solutions for them using Value Chain Management and strategic positioning in Business Ecosystems.

Academic competencies

Students who have successfully completed the M.Sc. VCM&BE program:

  • are able to compare central models and theories in the three module groups: Processes, Technologies, and People, and have characterized at least one of these in term papers.
  • possess broad and integrated business administration knowledge from the three module groups: Processes, Technologies, and People, as well as from the Research module group. This enables them to understand and critically assess new research problems and tasks related to value chains and economic ecosystems (exemplified by modules such as Supply Chain Management, Radio Technologies in Logistics, Leadership and Management Development, Research Seminar on International Innovation Strategies).
  • have the ability to analytically understand complex scientific problems, reflect on them based on theory and from different perspectives, as demonstrated in seminar contributions.
  • have shown in their thesis that they can design a research project considering generally accepted principles of good scientific practice, applying learned knowledge using and justifying specific research methods to a formulated research question, and assessing its contribution to the relevant sub-discipline of business administration or business informatics.
  • can select, adapt, and apply complex qualitative and quantitative methods (e.g., from experiments, surveys, focus interviews) to specific questions. They can also conceive their own ideas and reflect on their implementation, as demonstrated in term papers and presentations.

Qualification for employment (“Employability”)

Students who have successfully completed the Master's program VCM&BE:

  • have the competence to develop solutions for complex or novel management questions in B2B markets using scientific methods and apply these in professional practice, as shown in modules, for example, in the Research module group.
  • can apply theoretical knowledge and learned management tools appropriately to entrepreneurial problems and develop their own solutions based on established theories and methods, as demonstrated in the successful completion of the Master's thesis.

Personal development

Students who have successfully completed the Master's program VCM&BE:

  • have demonstrated in group work that they can critically engage with models or theories and argue their topic in a target-oriented manner, considering the perspectives of others.
  • have shown in group work that they can make decisions, set priorities, and distribute tasks, taking responsibility for themselves or their tasks within the group.
  • have developed an individual professional self-concept, can assess their own skills (technical, methodological, and social competence) in a differentiated manner, and have concrete ideas for their further development. They can independently acquire the current state of relevant research through their own continuing education.
  • reflect on the societal background of value chains and business ecosystems, for example, in the context of the module Sustainability and Responsibility in Management, can explain their significance for the present, and significantly shape social processes in democratic common sense.
  • are willing to take on responsibility within the framework of professional values in their activity or profession and are able to independently analyze and optimize operational and market processes in value chains and business ecosystems by justifying their professional actions with theoretical and methodological knowledge and assessing their own abilities.
  • assess developed action alternatives in B2B contexts not solely under the aspect of short-term profit maximization but also regarding possible side and long-term effects, and make decisions accordingly.

Source photos: Colourbox