Collecting print jobs (campusprint) from the University of Bamberg's photocopiers
A chip card, e.g. student ID, ServiceCard or cost center card, is required to collect print jobs.
Payment with wallet (students and private printouts): In order to be able to print, the wallet contained on the chip card must, for technical reasons, have at least 0.80 euros and the maximum possible cost of the print job.
Collecting print jobs from the copier
After you have printed your file via campusprint, go to a copy machine at the University of Bamberg that is marked as a campusprint copier.
Insert your chip card (e.g. student ID card or ServiceCard) into the card terminal.
Print jobs remain on the campusprint server for 5 days after submission. After that, they are deleted and must be sent again.
Select print option
Student ID card
Figure 1: Selection for students
Students of the University of Bamberg select the Print option by pressing F3. Please make sure that the wallet of your student ID card contains enough money.
Figure 1 shows the two options for students at the terminal, between copying/scanning and printing.
ServiceCard (service card, cost centre card)
Figure 2: Selection for employees
If employees of the University of Bamberg want to collect print jobs with their work ID card, select the option Print on business with the F3 key or the option Print privately with the F4 key.
Figure 2 shows the selection options for employees, between business copying/scanning; private copying/scanning; business printing; private printing.
The wallet must have sufficient funds for private printouts.
If you are using a cost centre card, select the F3 key and thus the Print for business option. Private printing is also displayed, but it is not possible to load the wallet with the cost center card.
Start print job
Figure 3: Starting the print job
On the next page, use the arrow buttons to select the file to be printed and press the F3 button to start the print job.
Alternatively, select the F4 key (Print all) to print all the files you have sent to campusprint.
Figure 3 shows several print jobs with the selection Start print job or Print all.
Note on pricing:
If you print a document in grayscale, the price shown on the terminal corresponds to the actual cost. If you print the document with the Auto color setting, the maximum price is displayed on the terminal, which must also be present on the card for private printouts. Only the actual price will be calculated and deducted later.
Delete print job
If a print job is to be deleted, select the file in the list by moving the selection with the arrow keys. Delete the file from the list by pressing the DEL button.
Returning the chip card
Figure 4: Returning the chip card
After all print jobs have been printed, press the END button to return the chip card. Your card is then released by the card terminal and can be removed.
Figure 4 shows the upper buttons on the terminal with the END button marked.