Setting up WLAN with an alternative to the easyroam app


  • To access the wireless network of the University of Bamberg, you must have a valid user account (BA number + password).
  • Members of other universities or research institutions that participate in eduroam (DFN roaming) can also use the eduroam network at the University of Bamberg. If the login does not work, please contact your home institution to find out about special features for using eduroam.
  • These instructions are an alternative for Android versions below Android 10


You must use the easyroam app to obtain a stable and secure connection to the WLAN with the SSID eduroam.

Alternative setup under easyroam

Downloading the certificate

You need an active internet connection at the University of Bamberg, e.g. via the free @BayernWLAN.

Please visit, enter Bamberg in the search field and select the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg. You can then log in via Shibboleth with your BA number and the corresponding password.

Figure 1 shows the search mask for selecting the University of Bamberg.

Click on manual Options in the window that opens. Choose PKCS12 and enter a name, e. g. Android-eduroam. Click on Ok. Your profile file will be downloaded and saved in your Downloads folder.

Figure 2 shows the management of the manual options.

Installing the certificate

After the certificate has been downloaded, you can install it. Go to your downloads folder and tip on the newly created easyroam file. A window will open in which you have to choose a certificate type and set a certificae name. Choose WLAN-Zertifikat for type and e. g. eduroamCert for name.

Your certificate is now fully installed.

Figure 3 shows the selection of the certificate type WLAN-Zertifikat.

Figure 4 shows the individual naming of the certificate.

WLAN hinzufügen und konfigurieren

Go to the settings of your Android device an enter the network settings. Click on add settings and configure it as follows:

  • Network name: eduroam
  • Security: WPA/WPA2-Enterprise
  • Identity: serial number of the certificate
  • CA-Zertifikat: Use system certificates
  • Domain:
  • User certificate: select your generated certificate, as is shown in the example
  • EAP method: TLS
  • Online certificate status: Request certificate status

When you configured everything correctly, click on Save.

Afterwards, click on the newly added WLAN called eduroam and you are now connected to that WLAN

Figures 5 and 6 show the configuration necessary for setting up eduroam.



You can find the serial number on the same website where you also downloaded the certificate. On the website, go to the three lines in the upper right corner and then choose Manage Profiles.

There you can find the serial number under More information

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