Diversity Roundtable

As part of its commitment to creating an open-minded, future-oriented environment in which everyone is welcome and valued, the University of Bamberg has initiated a Diversity Roundtable. The roundtable aims to foster the dialog among the various institutions and people whose work deals with and promotes diversity. Coming together at least once a semester, it provides a regular platform for discussing urgent topics, specific projects, and overarching visions.

Current participants include: the Anti-Discrimination Office, the Officer for Students with Disabilities, the Family Services Office, the Women's Representatives of the Faculties, the Women's Office, the Equal Opportunity Officer, the Gender & Diversity Network of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, the International Office, the Office for Students with Disabilities, the Staff Council, University Health Management and Personnel Development, the University-wide Women's Representatives, the Welcome Center, the Centre for University Teaching, and the Communication and Alumni Division.

If you have any questions about the roundtable, please do not hesitate to contact the personal assistant to the Vice President for Diversity and International Affairs.