Start of application period for EU-project ?Global mobility of employees” (GLOMO)

We already communicated our successful application for an Innovative Training Network (ITN) grant under the funding line “excellent science” of Marie Sk?odowska-Curie / H2020 Actions of the European Commission.

Since January 1, 2018 the application system for the project “Global mobility of employees” (GLOMO)  is now open. Applications are accepted until February 28, 2018.

Within the overall action, 15 sub-project positions are to be filled which deal with topics on migration and expatriation and for which interested early-stage researchers from all over the world can apply. The beginning of the research-projects with a three-year span will be the September 1, 2018. Additionally, it is possible to obtain a Ph.D. on basis of these projects. However, not only is mobility the theoretical and thematic topic of the action, but it will also be lived through the action: All PhD-students will be based at a "home" university but will have secondments to one of the other partner universities as well as to thematically fitting partner institutions throughout Europe (e.g. companies, ministries).

Due to this structure, GLOMO offers a unique and ambitious international network of professors and early-stage researchers that work together on a highly relevant topic. Thus, the ITN does not only thematically but also through its implementation represent “lived Europe”. It is concerned with exchange and network cooperation across many different cultures,  be it national, organisational or research field cultures.

You find details about the application process and modalities here. We are looking forward to your application.