“Sensitive – The Untold Story” and other movies – now available at the online streaming platform Kanopy via the University?s library

As of now the University Library Bamberg is the first library in Germany that licenced the worldwide streaming service Kanopy. You can find more information about that on the website of the University library. It is accessible over the database system DBIS. If you would like to use Kanopy at home, you will only need valid BA-identification.

Amongst other movies and documentations, you can access the movie ?Sensitive – The Untold Story“ by Dr. Elaine Aron in which Prof. Dr. Andresen, and other noticeable academics, appear as experts and speak about the topic of high sensibility. By doing that, Prof. Dr. Andresen focusses on one of her main research areas: High sensitivity within executives as well as executives and their handling of highly sensitive employees.