Chair of Human Resource Management and OB goes EURAM - inspiring and educational! ??

Chair of Human Resource Management and OB goes EURAM - inspiring and educational! ??

Last week, Prof. Dr.Maike Andresen andNana Oye Blay had the pleasure and honor of representing our Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at the EURAM conference in Bath/UK. This experience was not only academically enriching but also a wonderful opportunity to network with colleagues from around the world. ??

Our Highlights:
?? Presentation 1: Age and Career Resilience from the Perspective of Life Course Theory: A Multi-Level Study Across 28 Countries
(Results from the 5C research group ( ??

?? Presentation 2: With great joy, Andresen and Nana Oye Blaypresented their award-winning paper, co-authored with Anh Nguyen, which won the Best Paper Award - “Our Strengths Make the Dream Work: Cognitive Processing Abilities and Career Resource Endowment in Expatriate Dual Career Couples” ??

?? Symposium: International Teaching Initiatives: Best Practices for Developing Intercultural Competences and Need for Future Research ?? Andresen had the pleasure to host a symposium together with Mila Lazarova(Simon Fraser University Vancouver/CAN) and Jaime Bonache(University of Madrid/E and Adjunct Professor at the Chair) and to open it with an introductory presentation. ??

This was followed by five showcases of impressive international teaching initiatives:
? X-Culture Project – Marjaana Gunkel (
? European HRM Programme – Sarah Quataert (
? ESCP Serious Game ‘Moving Tomorrow’ – Marion Festing (
? International Master Thesis Seminar – Fabian Homberg
? Process Project – Iveta Ludviga (

A particular highlight was the constructive input from Margaret Shaffer(University of Oklahoma/USA) and the lively panel discussion. The discussions highlighted not only the high value of these initiatives, but also the need for future research to further promote intercultural competences. ?

Besides the academic highlights, EURAM was also a great opportunity to meet many colleagues and establish new, valuable contacts. The personal interaction and direct exchange opened up new perspectives. ??

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this inspiring conference! We are looking forward to future collaborations and advancing our research and teaching. ??

We are excited about EURAM 2025 in Florence, Italy! ????