Transfer and cooperations

Research and scientific action follows a social mission. At the professorship for Business Education, we are keen to engage in dialogue with social partners such as schools, companies and civil society organizations. In addition, a contribution to the extraction of new research ideas and the transfer of scientific products into everyday social life should be made. Under Transfer and cooperations you get an insight into the different transfer and cooperation activities at the professorship for Business Education.

Teacher training to the subject of Service Learning within the framework of the Service Learning seminar


Teacher training Service Learning

Seminar Service Learning in the Bamberg municipality

Title of the event: Seminar Service Learning – A cross-school introduction to a competence-oriented teaching-learning format

Place: Municipal Graf-Stauffenberg Business School Bamberg, Kloster-Langheim-Stra?e 11, 96050 Bamberg

Time: 14.07.2017 – 12-17 Uhr

Keywords: Service Learning, Competence orientation, LehrplanPLUS

Target group: Teachers at general and vocational schools

Maximum number of participants: 160 

Application deadline: 10.07.2017


Teachers at Bavarian schools register via FIBS (E361-0/17/67):

Interested parties from non-profit organizations, municipalities and the public register by email to michael.schmitt(at) (CariThek Bamberg)

Contact / Organizer:

Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Professorship for Business Education
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Gerholz
K?rntenstra?e 7 ? 96052 Bamberg
Tel.: 0951/863-2725

Short description:

Pupils of a primary school help with the establishment of a nature trail as part of the home and material lessons. Pupils of a grammar school act within the subject German as “Redepartner” (contact person) for seniors in the old people's home. Pupils from a business vocational school develop a marketing concept for the recruitment of volunteers. - Three examples of how skill-based education in schools can be designed. The special thing is that the learning process is linked to real challenges of civil society. The didactic format is called Service Learning - learning by engagement. In addition to the professional-methodical development of the students by the curricular connection, personal development should also take place by dealing with questions of civic-society values.

In recent years, service learning has become more widespread in schools, which raises questions about the didactical design and implementation of service learning in the concrete teaching work on site. On the day of the training, teachers from all types of schools get an insight into the implementation and effectiveness of Service Learning. In school-specific workshops, didactic design elements are presented using the example of concrete service learning arrangements. In addition to networking with potential cooperation partners, the day concludes with the presentation of service learning results by pupils from the schools of Bamberg, teaching students of Business Education at the University of Bamberg and pupils from the social school year.






Greetings 1

Representative of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture (requested)

Greetings 2

Representative of the Caritas Association of the Archdiocese of Bamberg


Implementation of Service Learning from the perspective of the school management

Michael Strehler – Principal Kaiser-Heinrich-Grammar-School Bamberg


Effectiveness of Service Learning from a research perspective

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Gerholz – University of Bamberg


Workshops (working title)

Service Learning at primary and secondary schools

Service Learning at secondary schools (including grammar school)

Service Learning at vocational schools in part-time form (vocational school)

Service Learning at full-time vocational schools (business school, vocational high school, vocational school)


Coffee and cake

Market of possibilities:
municipal and non-profit organizations introduce themselves as a practice partner in Service Learning


Business Education students present Service Learning results in cooperation with the Caritas Association

Pupils of the Kaiser-Heinrich-Grammar-School present service results in the World Heritage Center Bamberg

Results of the voluntary social school year


Closing remarks



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Service Learning in cooperation with the Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Bamberg

In cooperation with the Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Bamberg, Service Learning Arrangements, especially in the module 'business pedagogics', will be implemented. In Service Learning, curricular contents of the study program Business Education are linked with social projects from the municipality of Bamberg. Exemplary service projects are the development of competence-oriented training or description of the motives of volunteers. Furthermore, master theses are written in cooperation with the Caritas Association.

Selected links:

Studierende der Universit?t Bamberg engagieren sich bei der Caritas

Development of lesson sequences in cooperation with the university schools

With the winter term 2016/2017, the new module "Didactics of Business and Economics" has been installed in the study program Business Education. The module consists of two parallel submodules. In the module "Design of Complex Learning Environments (GLU)", the students cooperatively build up an orientation knowledge for the design of learning environments in business and economic contexts. In the sub-module "Research and Development Work (FEA)" the students work on concrete, didactic problems based on lesson sequences from the teaching practice of the cooperating university schools. In the winter term 16/17 there is a cooperation with the State Vocational School III in Bamberg. The students develop a half-year lesson sequence in the area of ??accounting for the apprenticeship "Management assistant in office management". The new module is characterized by an interconnection between theory and practice by sensitizing students to the task of relationalising scientific knowledge and procedures as well as practical work requirements in everyday classroom life. The presentation of students' action products takes place at the end of the module in the respective university schools.

Cooperation with the World Heritage Centre Bamberg

In cooperation with the World Heritage Centre Bamberg master theses at the professorship for Business Education are assigned. This is about researching the impact of the World Heritage Bamberg on the perception and knowledge growth in the population and guests in Bamberg. The possible topics can be found under Lehre.

Cooperation university school, deaconry and Business Education for Service Learning

In cooperation with the university school - State Vocational School III Bamberg - and the deaconry Bamberg-Forchheim, a service learning project "Social Media at the deaconry Bamberg-Forchheim" is currently underway. In the course of this, 22 pupils of the State Vocational School III have the opportunity to gain insights into civil society fields of action as part of their lessons. The professorship for Business Education takes over the scientific support.

Selected links:

Berufsschüler engagieren sich in Bamberg - Neue Service Learning-Kooperation zwischen Universit?tsschule, Diakonie und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik

Longitudinal study “Use of tablets in vocational school” started

In the current school year, the professorship for Business Education under the scientific direction of Professor Karl-Heinz Gerholz and Markus Dormann will explore the use of tablets in vocational education. The cooperation project with the State Vocational School 2 Aschaffenburg analyzes effects and efficiencies of using tablets in vocational classes based on a longitudinal study.

The State Vocational School 2 with its developed and implemented media concept is a finalist in the i.s.i-competition and consequently the optimal school partner to scientifically accompany and evaluate digital teaching approaches. In addition, with the project manager, teacher StD Matthias Fünffinger, there is also an experienced media expert on the school side. The financial and technical realisation was made possible by Goran Hauser from the Institute for Transformation and Innovation (ITI).

"The study succeeds in better understanding lessons with regard to action situations, competence orientation and the use of digital media," says Prof. Karl-Heinz Gerholz at the start of the project. "Our research interest in the cooperation project is in particular to raise the long-term effect of the use of tablets (convertibles) on learning success, motivation and competence acquisition in business vocational education and to accompany them with suitable digital teaching concepts", explains Markus Dormann.