Chair of Finance

In this category you find more detailed information about the chairholder, the secretary’s office, the research and teaching assistants as well as project assistants.



Chair of Finance
Prof. Dr. Andreas Oehler
Department of Management, Business Administration and Economics
K?rntenstra?e 7 / Room K?7/01.29
D-96045 Bamberg

Tel: +49 951 863 2536
eMail: info.bwl-finanz(at)

Chair / Full Professor

Univ.-Professor Dr. Andreas Oehler

Room K?7/01.29, Tel: +49 951 863 2536
Office hours: In order to make an appointment please contact Prof. Dr. Andreas Oehler via e-mail.
Tuesday, 10.00 - 12.00 am
eMail: info.bwl-finanz(at)

Secretary's Office

Room K?7/01.22
Please contact Prof. Oehler or one of the research assistants.

Research and Teaching Assistants


Dr. Matthias Horn

Room K?7/01.30, Tel: +49 951 863 2717
Office hours: Tuesday 10.00 - 12.00 am
eMail: hm.bwl-finanz(at)

Charlotte Neuss

Room Zi K?7/01.14, Telefon: +49 951 863 2696
Office hours: Tuesday 10.00 - 12.00 am
eMail: hn.bwl-finanz(at)



Room K?7/01.20, Tel:
Office hours: n.a.
eMail: n.a.



Room K?7/01.21, Tel:
Office hours: n.a.
eMail: n.a.


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